Sunday, November 20, 2011

Let's Start at the Beginning...Well Sort of

I don't claim to be super smart, intuitive or very learned, but I do have a passion for Christ Jesus my Lord and Savior.  I am not the authority on scripture, not even close.  In fact, when you get me into a small group of believers I am usually the one asking all the questions and sometimes sitting there with a confused look on my face.  What I DO know is that there aren't many people who have actually read the Bible in it's entirety, not even the people who go to church every Sunday and and been doing so for years.  How on Earth can there be so many passionate Christians, yet so little reading of God's Word?  When I look back on my own experience with reading the Bible, I recall opening it up to Genesis 1, and a few chapters later falling asleep.  I never really made it to the "good news" until years after I became a Christian.   And after I finally did read and study the Bible in it's entirety I really had to ask myself: Could I really have considered myself a Christian without even reading about Christ Jesus at all?!  So gather your friends, Christians and non-Christians alike, put your thinking caps on, and let's get started.  We will begin with the New Testament in a few days.  Matthew Ch 1-3. 


  1. What an interesting thing to do, I've thought about doing this at various points as well.

  2. Welcome! It actually just came to me as I was talking to God- so I would like to think he planted the idea. I thought I would give it my best shot. I figure worst case scenario it turns into a small online bible study with a few good friends (which in itself is pretty great if you ask me!) and best case scenario I imagine having an online bible study with LOTS of friends and reaching a lot of people in a way that furthers the Kingdom and helps them in their personal walk with God. Please do contribute any ideas/thoughts you may have about it, I would love that! And of course, read along with us :)
